The first thing a group usually does is to write a mission statement. In our situation, it was all done for us by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 KJV:
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and, Lo, I am with you always to the close of the age.
Beyond not having abundant access to this information, a large portion of religious information distributed to the public is simply untrue. Specifically, it can’t be supported by scripture. But how can we get correct information disseminated to the public? Then like a bolt of lightning, it hit me. It’s right at my fingertips. I can conservatively state that almost every preacher, minister, evangelist, etc., that I talk with has a box or two of complete and incomplete subjects he would like to refine in order to get them published. The trouble is that he is a lot smarter than I was at that stage. I have talked with publishers in my search for help and realize that a minister, besides working for a living and raising a family, can’t tackle the job. One publisher said a minister brought in a box of crumpled sermons and told them to make a book from them. Believe me. It isn’t going to happen.
The publishers will keep on publishing, the seminaries are going to keep on putting out their unsupported opinions, the pulp religious people will continue with their fantasies, the entertainment churches will grow, and TV will prosper. But what about the little guy who doesn’t take the bait?
Then along comes Karrie. She is the one who ties the ribbon on the book before it goes to the printer. Karrie tells me we should have a web page. “It’s easy to do. I’ve done it before and will take you through the process.” Now, I’ve had time to think, this could be the missing stair step on what we wish to accomplish. Namely, have a seminary where we can research, write, print, and distribute our own material. Of course, it will be unique, as it will be the Word of God with the scriptures in control.
Let’s place the subjects in the proper order:
- We get a website.
- Incorporate Eternal Kingdom Seminary as a nonprofit.
- Our purpose is to develop and distribute God’s Word.
- Our organizational chart and rule book is the Bible.
- We will have elders to supervise the operation.
We are developing a list of individuals who will fill the openings as required. The majority will probably be ministers, preachers, evangelists, etc. These individuals will have an educational level of BA or better. They will bring with themselves accumulated experience in their profession and worldly matters. They will be identified as Published Authors (PAs) and write and review articles for the website. As we progress, PAs may elect to use their experience and write a book. EKS is there to assist in this regard.
We believe the Bible as originally written. We are undenominational. Our rule book is the unchanged Bible. We don’t need to add or take away from the Bible. Revelation 22:18-19 KJV warns those who change the Bible of the consequences.
We also believe there is a group of organized beings who, unable to suppress the scriptures, are doing everything possible to distort, contradict, misapply the scriptures and create confusion. We must be alert watchmen for these beings, educational institutions, and publishers and not fail to identify them. John 8:44 KJV helps with the identification. “Satan is a liar, and he is the father of lies.”.
NOTICE: Eternal Kingdom Seminary (EKS) is seeking ministers, preachers, evangelists, and others who are wannabe authors to submit an article for publishing on our website. You will be working with our editorial staff who will fashion your article into the industry standard for publication. Interested? .
Contact us for an Introductory conversation, no charge. It’s free!