Publishing Options

After publishing articles and books, EKS now has the experience to help established and aspiring authors, and for them to help us.

Once an article/sermon /manuscripts is accepted, we edit it in the proper Chicago-style-format and enter it on our blog. Full credit and keyword is accorded to the author enabling them to accumulate prestige in the religious community.

We anticipate that a major portion of contributing authors will be active ministers, pastors, and evangelists etc., of established churches. Accordingly they bring with them a wealth of experience from which everyone will benefit.

You need EKS and EKS needs you. Who are our Authors?

1.  You feel the need to share your beliefs.
2.  You haven’t as of yet found a ‘home’ for your materials.
3.  You currently have a shoe box full of sermons and notes and maybe a transcript worth sharing.
4.  You are in need of a boost to your career and being published is that next step.

EKS is not a church. It is primarily an institution of higher learning using distance technology to communicate.

We offer two options for being published on EKS

1. Posts: Articles; the benefit is having your article/sermon published on this website.

2. Books:  the benefit is a flat fee of $$ TBD paid to author per article/sermon when they are published in a book. The books will be created from a variety of authors and their articles/sermons of like subjects and will be at least 100 + pages trade paperback; 5.5.x8.5 in size.

NOTICE:  Eternal Kingdom Seminary (EKS) is seeking ministers, preachers, evangelists, and others who are wannabe authors to submit an article for publishing on our website. You will be working with our editorial staff who will fashion your article into the industry standard for publication. Interested?

Contact us for an Introductory conversation, no charge. It’s free!